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POSITION PAPER by Laban Konsyumer Inc. (LKI) to the Senate Energy Committee regarding House Bill 8179

    • On Section 6, the rates must comply with current guidelines on Competitive Selection Processes  ( CSP ) and on Retail Competition and  Open Access (RCOA ) of  the Energy Regulatory Commission and /or the Department of Energy ,  whenever they are applicable, to  ensure transparency , reliability of power supply as well a just and reasonable power rates . 
    • There should be no grant of Feed in Tariff Allowance, system losses and any universal and similar charges or subsidies to the franchisee.
    • Section 7 on protection of consumer interest should be retained in the Bill. 
    • We have no comment on issues relating to the legality and constitutionality of the Bill, but those issues should be answered and addressed by the Committee before voting on the Bill.